Animal Homes - Single Session
Animal Homes - Single Session
Walking in a forest or park it is possible to encounter many different types of animal homes. These could be holes in a tree or on the ground, caves, nests, and shells. Why homes are different in shape and size? What is their function? How do different animals construct their homes? We will give a close look at bird, mouse and squirrel nests, snail shells, wasp nests, spider webs, and so on. You will learn to identify different animal homes, their materials, function (to sleep, hold eggs, capture insects, storage food, etc) and shapes. You will take a closer look at different live samples of animal homes and you will have the chance to take part in amazing scientific activities!
Kids will:
make scientific observations, learn how to identify animal homes
associate several animals with the type of homes they live in
understand the function and architecture of their home and why it helps the animal to survive
understand how animals survive in their habitat