Freshwater wildlife


Ponds, lakes, streams and rivers are homes for more than 100,000 species of plants and animals, such as amphibians, reptiles, mammals, fish, birds and many invertebrates.

What is about:

exploration and identification of small mammals, fishes, and invertebrates living in the water and on the water edge.

What do children learn:

Children will learn to know which animals live beneath the surface of the pond, lake or river,, their behavior and their food chains.


Outdoor nature walk:

We will observe all wildlife living around and inside a river, pond or lake. When possible, we will briefly catch some animals for a direct observation and release them into the water. The outdoor workshop will be provided with a fishing net, magnifying glasses to look at mini-beasts closely, guide and identification sheets to find out what animals and plants have been observed and caught.

Indoor station:

The workshop will be about what lives under the water and around it. It will focus in particular on frogs, dragonflies, ducks and fishes and their life cycle inside and out the water. The workshop will be provided with posters and cards.

Science activities:

  • 4-10 years old: e.g. pond dipping; build jumping frogs, build a fishing net; …

  • 1-3 years old: e.g. sand bins with pond and river wildlife to fish; turtle/fish bottle shakers; ….
