All about trees: leaves, flowers, seeds, barks


What is about:

What do plants need to grow, how to count a tree age, what is a plant life cycle, why plants produce seeds and fruits, why leaves change colour through the seasons and fall off, why are there different barks.

What do children learn:

Children will learn the structure of a plant (e.g. leaves, flowers, seeds, trunk, branches) , the function of each part and the needs of plants to live (water, light, soil, temperature, nutrients, etc), how they change through the year, and how do plants reproduce (seed dispersal and pollination). Children will learn to name and identify common plants and flowers.


Outdoor nature walks:

The workshop will be done during a nature walk where we will search and discover the differences between plants, and observe plant production according to the season. During the walk, we will collect different leaves, fruits and seeds and examine their characteristics. The workshop will provide containers, magnifiers, field guides.

Indoor station:

The workshop will show how plants are structured and seasons when they produce leaves, flowers, seeds, and fruits, their differences in shapes and colors. The lesson will provide identification cards, posters and live samples (seasonal seeds, leaves, flowers, barks, etc), magnifiers, field guides.


Science activities:

  • 4-10 years old: e.g. match game with leaves, seeds and trees; leaf and bark rubbing to learn about structure; autumn jar to learn about what floats and not, and why; fall leaf experiment to learn about color and chlorophyll; labeling activity to learn parts of a leaf, seed and fruit; creation of seeds balls; etc;…

  • 1-3 years old: e.g. nature sensory bin scavenger hunt with tree items, barks, seeds, flowers; leaf and bark rubbing; creation of seeds balls; …

leaf rub.jpg