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4th visit : Preyed eggs

4th of May 2020

Today is the fourth visit to our nests. First, I went to visit the Blackbird nest and….it has been preyed! The nest was upset and only one egg was left with the shell broken, other egg parts were on the ground. The eggs have been prayed by a bird, probably a crow or jay. What a sad news!

Blackbird preyed eggs and nest

Blackbird preyed eggs and nest

A closer look at the preyed egg

A closer look at the preyed egg

After that, I went to visit the nearby Song thrush nest and still has its four eggs. It may be that next week the eggs will hatch. Usually they are incubated for 10 or 18 days. Instead, the second Song thrush nest along the main road has not eggs.



I thought to add in our nest diary the story of another blackbird couple who was nesting in the opposite side of the forest. This area of the Forstenrieder forest is clearer, less bushes, more paths and it is well used by the local people who go to walk their dogs, cycle and run.

I discovered their nest on the 11th of March along one of the main paths and very close to the ground, and inside of it there were three beautiful blue eggs!  I went back the week after and they were unfortunately only two eggs left. I found the third egg shell just below the nest, it was probably eaten by a crow or jay! I went to check the week after, the female was incubating, so I left and I did not disturb her.

I went back to check last week-end hoping to find the little chicks, BUT I was completely shocked to see that the nest and tree trunks on where it was laying were not there anymore! The tree trunks have been used to build up a hut next to the path. A very sad news. How possible could this happen? Was the nest seen? Was it necessary to build a hut, given that there is just one next to it and more than 100 in the whole forest area? Should we allow that the forest gets disturbed in this way?

additional blackbird_2.jpg
Where the Blackbird nest was. The trunks where the nest was built were laying on the tree, now they are not there anymore.

Where the Blackbird nest was. The trunks where the nest was built were laying on the tree, now they are not there anymore.

The hut built next to where was the nest and with the trunks where the nest layed on.

The hut built next to where was the nest and with the trunks where the nest layed on.

Click HERE to know what happened the week after —>